Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy

Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy assists people who are are experiencing dyspnea (shortness of breath), increased resting heart rate, swelling, wheezing, coughing, increased mucous from the lungs and reduced activity capacity. Treatments are primarily focused on the prevention, rehabilitation, and compensation of people with pathology or injury to the heart and lungs. Treatments consist of chest percussion/vibrations and postural drainage. Body positioning, education and breathing techniques as well as energy conservation principles. These techniques assist in the drainage and clearance of secretions within the lungs. Another essential aspect of Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy is improving people endurance and the capacity to perform their desired activities (improving heart function).
Who Can Benefit
Any condition that effects the heart or lungs may be assisted with Physiotherapy. More specifically conditions such as Cystic fibrosis, COPD (i.e. emphysema, Bronchiectasis, chronic bronchitis, etc), Pulmonary fibrosis or reduced cardiac function (heart-attack, cardiac valve regurgitation or sedentary lifestyle) will benefited from My Sippy Downs Physio intervention.